Good Health and Well-Being
WeLoveU contributes to promoting the health and well-being of all at all age groups who suffer from various problems including diseases, underdeveloped social and economic conditions, etc. WeLoveU offers medical expenses and psychological recovery programs to support people with heart diseases, rare and incurable diseases while conducting activities to prevent diseases and improve the well-being of disadvantaged and marginalized groups including children, seniors and the disabled, etc. The worldwide blood drives launched by WeLoveU have reduced the risk of death due to shortage of blood, and have contributed to expanding people’s participation in blood donations globally by enhancing their awareness on the importance of life-saving efforts.
Support for Jordan With Protective Equipment Against COVID-19 and Medical Expenses for Patients with Intractable Diseases
Donation of 747 sets of hygiene goods and 20,000,000 KRW [appr. 18,000 USD]
Donation of COVID-19 Prevention Supplies to Homeless Support Center in Australia
Donation of Face Masks and Hand Sanitizers to Protect the Homeless in Australia
Supplies to Schools and Child Protection Facilities in Benin and Togo
Benin-Togo Chapters' Cooperation to Respond to COVID-19
10,000 Korean Face Masks Sent Over to Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 4 in Kyiv, Ukraine
Donation of 10,000 Face Masks to Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 4 in Kyiv, Ukraine
WeLoveU Chapter in San Salvador, El Salvador: We Need to Unite and Share Love in Difficult Times
Donation of face masks and hand sanitizers to the Ministry of Education and the Central Regional Health Directorate in El Salvador
Donation of Face Masks and Groceries to Gasabo Regional Office, Rwanda
Delivered 3,000 face masks and groceries to the Gasabo regional office in Kigali, Rwanda
Donation of Face Masks and Hand Sanitizers to the Uganda Ministry of Health
Delivered 5,000 face masks and 350 liters of hand sanitizer to the Uganda Ministry of Health
Donation of COVID-19 Safety Supplies to College Hospital and Municipality in Kathmandu, Nepal
Donation of safety supplies to Kageshwori Manohara Municipality and Kathmandu People's Medical College Hospital in Nepal
Conducting ‘2020 Blood Drives’ in the Midst of Pandemic Impact in the U.S., Brazil, and New Zealand
People must continue to donate blood for saving lives
Donation of the COVID-19 Safety Supplies to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the Unceasing State of Emergency in Thailand
Donation of 8,000 face masks, 4,000 pairs of medical gloves, and 330 digital thermometers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Thailand
Prevention and Medical Supplies to the Modular Ward at the Quezon Medical Research Institute in the Philippines
Donation of 10,000 Face Masks and 24 Medical Beds
Donation of 60,000 Masks to Cambodia Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Undersecretary of State for Youth, Sports and Education in Cambodia, Sincerely Thanked the WeLoveU Foundation Honorary Chairwoman
“We Support Myanmarese Officials’ Safe Response to COVID-19”
Myanmarese Public Officials Exposed to the Contagious Disease Due to shortage of COVID-19 Safety Supplies
Donate Face Masks and Hand Sanitizers to Chile for Preventing the Spread of COVID-19
Donate 20,100 face masks and 6,700 hand sanitizers to the Ministry of Health of Chile
Donation of Face Masks to Independencia Police Station in Lima, Peru
Donation of 1,000 face masks to Independencia Police Station in Lima, Peru
“Let’s Overcome COVID-19 with the WeLoveU”
Donation of COVID-19 funds to the Republic of Korea National Red Cross for the socially vulnerable
Provision of Protective Equipment Against COVID-19 to Ecuador
Signed a letter of intent with the Ecuadorian Embassy in Korea and donated 1,000 test kits and 20,000 face masks
The 159–359th Worldwide Blood Drives
Worldwide sharing life in celebration of the World Blood Donor Day
Providing Medical Expenses to Fijian Children Suffering from Cancer
Delivered funds to WOWS Kids Fiji and signed an MOU with Fijian Embassy in Korea
Intl. WeLoveU Foundation Provides COVID-19 Quarantine Supplies to Laos
Donated 1,248 test kits and 10,000 masks to help overcome the global calamity
Donating COVID-19 Hygienic Face Masks to Daegu
Infectious disease alert level has been raised to “Serious” . . . the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation donated 20,000 masks to the region hit worst by COVID-19
Providing Walking Assist Devices and Elderly Care Products to a City Nursing Home in Oaxaca, Mexico
With the heart of a family who tries to relieve them of worries and pains