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Volunteer service for mentally disabled children at a facility, House of Hope
Wishing to Be Healthy and Bright All the Time
February 18, 2004
Visit to the House of Hope in Korea
We donate daily necessities and consolatory fund, wishing them a pleasant holiday
January 21, 2004
Visiting a Beneficiary Supported Through the 4th New Life Concert
May Our Little Love Bring Forth Great Happiness
January 13, 2004
Fund Donating Ceremony for Children Suffering From Heart Disease
A New Life to Children Who Are Our Hope for the Future.
October 9, 2003
Volunteer service at the flood-damaged area in Masan
We Hope You Would Rise Again With Hope
September 17, 2003
Financial aid for the activity of the disabled supporters
Courage and Hope to All the Athletes
August 19, 2003
Visit to a Facility for Mentally Disabled Children
Visit to a facility with daily necessities and fund, located at Macheon-dong, Seoul, Korea
May 5, 2003