Kangemi, on the outskirts of Nairobi, has limited green spaces,
making it challenging for residents to find a peaceful place to relax.
Several years ago, with the collective efforts of local authorities and residents,
Kangemi Memorial Recreation Park was established in what was once
a dumping site. However, due to inadequate water supply, the park suffered
from insufficient maintenance, resulting in the drying and dying of grass.
WeLoveU, in consultation with the Westlands Sub-County Government
of Nairobi, decided to turn the park into a comfortable shelter.
They planted trees and grass, and installed a water tank to maintain greenery
and benches for anyone to take a short break.
🌳 Park Beautification 🌳
📅 October 18–31
📅 November 1
📅 November 2
The Westlands Sub-County Government officials, inspired by the dedication
of WeLoveU, have pledged to further beautify the park in the future.
Justus Ambasu Odongo, Customer Service Officer of the Nairobi City County Government
“We’re truly grateful to WeLoveU. Your efforts have accomplished something remarkable and unprecedented. We hope that the positive impact of WeLoveU can extend to other areas in Nairobi. Many families who gathered today said that they would let their children play in this park. This park will undoubtedly provide significant assistance to the local community.”
Justus Ambasu Odongo, Customer Service Officer of the Nairobi City County Government
Brian Moses Lokeni, Vice President of the Community Based Organization [CBO] in Kangemi
“Our organization is responsible for environmental conservation in Kangemi, Westlands. We express our sincere gratitude to Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah for her contribution to creating green spaces in Kangemi. This is a transformative initiative for the local community. Children may even play soccer here. The park will have positive effects on the well-being and health of the residents, setting a good example for other areas in Nairobi without green parks.”
Brian Moses Lokeni, Vice President of the Community Based Organization [CBO] in Kangemi
The members hoped that Kangemi Memorial Recreation Park
would become a tranquil shelter that brings solace to the residents.
The beautification for Kangemi Memorial Recreation Park
is part of the WeLoveU’s Mom’s Garden Project.
This initiative involved covering a 1,000 m2 of the park with lush grass,
planting a total of 10 candlenut trees and ferns to create ample shade.
Water tanks and benches were also installed.
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