Building a House of Love in Gokavaram
A loud explosion was heard on the New Year’s Day in Gokavaram, a village in Gokavaram mandal, East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. Right after, great flames swept through a house. Everything in the house turned into ashes, and only the burnt clay walls remained. The cozy house, where eleven family members had lived, disappeared in a moment due to a gas explosion.

After hearing of this sad incident, the WeLoveU members decided to build a new house together, so that the family could quickly overcome pain and get back on their feet..
Speak Out of Your Heart
“I never thought that such an accident would happen in my life.
I had a hard time, not knowing what to do after the fire.
It was a painful experience.”
The breadwinner in his fifties was devastated after the fire. The family was able to find a place to sleep as their neighbors gave them a vacant house, but it was a temporary solution. The shoulders of the head of the household were heavy. The WeLoveU members decided to build a new house to give this family hope. The members with construction skills willingly donated their talents.
How the WeLoveU Worked

First,Remove burnt clothes, household items, and branches.
Second,Organize the house with heavy equipment.

Second,Organize the house with heavy equipment.

Third,Build a strong foundation by setting up the supports according to the structure of their house.
Fourth,Lay bricks and set up windows and doors.

Fourth,Lay bricks and set up windows and doors.

Fifth,Complete the house by strengthening the exterior walls and painting them.
Before and After

On April 22, the new house was completed. Finally, the family was able to smile again. The WeLoveU members were happy to be able to deliver hope to this family who did not know how to live after the incident.
“Their Love Saved Our Family From Pain”
The breadwinner (father) repeatedly gave thanks to the members for helping them wholeheartedly.
“When I was having a hard time, not knowing what to do, the WeLoveU members united and built a new house for us.
Their love saved our family from the tragedy. They brought us happiness. I truly thank the WeLoveU so much.”
The WeLoveU Delivers Love
Delighted to see the house built with love, the WeLoveU members deliver short messages of love to this family.
“I am a mason. I really enjoyed helping with the construction of this house. It was a great opportunity for me to help others. I hope all your family will enjoy the new house.”
“I am an excavator driver. I was happy to share love through this volunteer service.”
“I was very happy to build a house with other members. We want to help whatever we can do. Cheer up!”
WeLoveU’s “Residential Environment Improvement Project” to take care of household, the smallest unit in community, is in line with the eleventh goal of the SDGs, “Sustainable Cities and Communities.”.
The WeLoveU will continue taking care of our neighbors and share love with them so that no one is left behind.
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