Sharing warm hope for healing the scars of war
The number of soldiers who participated in the Ukraine war nearby the Donbass region in the eastern part for the past five years since 2014 reaches up to 200,000. Most of the participants of the war have an urgent need of care for their injuries and psychotherapy, because they are suffering from physical injuries from airplane bombing or explosion and also from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder [PTSD] from the noise of explosion.

Kiev City Center for the Support of Anti-Terrorist Operation which is located in Kiev, the capital city of Ukraine, is one of the centers that give active aid to war participants and their families. Once a head of household is injured in war, it is hard for him to support his family. After supporting the deceased’s families who have top priority to receive support, other injured war participants or participants’ families can hardly receive treatment, because it suffers from shortage of budget. Besides, although the injured soldiers can receive free treatment at the national military hospital, the family members of the injured soldiers are alienated unless they can receive help from the city centers.

For this, the WeLoveU decided to offer medicine, medical supplies, and medical expenses for the families of the Ukraine war participants in cooperation with the Kiev City Center for the Support of Anti-Terrorist Operation. On Aug. 17, the WeLoveU’s donation ceremony was held at Kiev City Center to support three war participants’ families with medical expenses.
The beneficiaries needed to receive treatment for a long time as they were suffering from injuries caused by accidents, tumors, and rare diseases. The WeLoveU delivered medicine and medical expenses, hoping that they would get well soon.
Pyshnyoha Nataliia Victorivna, the person in charge of medical support at Kiev City Center for the Support of Anti-Terrorist Operation, said, “It’s very difficult to support the war participants with the budget we get from the city. To us, even a few coins have great significance. Thank you so much for helping Ukraine war participants’ families.”

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