On June 24, the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation held the 2018 Clean WORLD Movement to cope with climate change in Los Angeles, CA, U.S.

Starting at 10 a.m., about 250 members gathered in Los Angeles to participate in the cleanup with the hope of raising awareness of the effects of climate change on a city level.

Yellow waves of participants were seen flowing along Bassett St., Sherman Way, and Victory Blvd. in Reseda and Canoga Park.

Despite the beads of sweat rolling down their foreheads, the members cleaned for two and a half hours covering 5.45 km and collected 3,259 kg of trash. 

Debris such as municipal waste, plastic bottles, and old flyers could not stop the determined participants from providing a better living environment for the community.

The cleanup was also held at Ogden Str. in Baldwin, IL, Debro St. in Northeast Philadelphia, PA, and Centennial Garden Park in Denver, CO.