Delivery of 1,600 books along with the joy of reading books to child patients

크리스티아나 병원 소아과 진료소에서 도서 기증을 위해 봉사하는 국제WeLoveU 회원들의 모습과 기쁨과 설렘으로 책을 받은 아이의 모습

Vigorously reading books sparks interest in learning new things. Books are a necessary tool for children to develop their basic learning skills and a cornerstone for bright future.

Members of the WeLoveU branch in the eastern part of the United States set out to provide books to child patients in Christiana Care Hospital in Wilmington, Delaware. The hospital had been providing books and reading programs to child patients between the age of six months and five years in cooperation with Reach Out and Read which is a nonprofit child welfare organization. However, as there was an increasing need of child books, the WeLoveU decided to help with it.

In cooperation with a bookstore “Barnes & Noble,” WeLoveU carried out a book donation campaign for three weeks between September and October both on and offline. A large number of bookstore users, including 250 members from the WeLoveU branch, bought books and donated them. On October 19, the WeLoveU held a book donation ceremony at Pediatric Clinic in Christiana Care Hospital. On the day, 45 members attended the event and donated 1,618 child books to the hospital. The children, then, picked their favorite books and were filled with joy and excitement.

Dr. Amanda Kay, Director of the Pediatric Clinic, who attended the donation ceremony, said, “It was the most inspiring and caring event of all that I had attended before,” and expressed his gratitude to the WeLoveU. Rysheema Dixon, a city council member of Wilmington, said, “It was truly amazing. I’m really happy and joyful about every work that the WeLoveU will do for our community.”