The right of mobility is the right to move around freely. Securing the right of mobility is an urgent issue for the elderly and people having physical disabilities due to illness or accident. Without the help of assistive devices, their movement is significantly restricted. However, expensive devices are the pipe dream for the vulnerable groups. Their financial hardships take away the freedom of movement.

On July 11, a meaningful ceremony was held at the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion [MIDIS] located in Lima, Peru. The Intl. WeLoveU Foundation (hereinafter the WeLoveU) donated 24 wheelchairs to MIDIS for the elderly and people with severe disabilities in Indiana, Loreto, Peru. Indiana is located in the Amazon rainforest, where many people suffer financial hardship. Due to insufficient welfare system, it is harder to move around for people with limited.
The ceremony was attended by Dina Boluarte, the Vice President of Peru and Minister of MIDIS, and Marlom Crisóstomo, the Head of Indiana District, and Kim Wang-hyeon, the Chapter Manager of the WeLoveU in Lima, Peru. Many people in charge of welfare policy at the MIDIS were also present.

Vice President of Peru
“I would like to express my gratitude to the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation for your cooperation. This donation will strengthen the cooperation between Peru and Korea.
Our government will strive to reduce inequality gap among citizens and will continue to work with private organizations to help those in need.”
Vice President of Peru
“The wheelchairs donated by the WeLoveU
are very helpful for citizens to live in a better environment and allow them to easily have access to national services, too.”
Head of Indiana District

Head of Indiana District
“The wheelchairs donated by the WeLoveU are very helpful for citizens to live in a better environment and allow them to easily have access to national services, too.”

Manager of WeLoveU Peru Chapter
“The Intl. WeLoveU Foundation is continually making every effort to help our neighbors in need. We do it because it delivers hope to them. We will keep cooperating with the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion.”
Manager of WeLoveU Peru Chapter
The WeLoveU will continue to make efforts to reduce mobility inequality among people by providing rehabilitation aids and medical devices.
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