In the digital age, the importance of IT classes has greatly increased.
Consequently, schools are actively conducting IT-related classes to equip students
with computer skills and enable them to conveniently acquire information online.
Students also engage in various online activities to communicate with friends.

Au Cap Primary School, located on Mahe Island in the Seychelles,
is where 380 students study and nurture their dreams. However,
due to a lack of digital devices and the poor performance of existing devices,
the school was unable to conduct proper IT classes.

Upon learning about the situation at Au Cap Primary School,
WeLoveU donated four latest computers to the school after consulting
with officials from the Ministry of Education in Seychelles. At the delivery ceremony
held on January 24, education officials, members of the National Assembly, teachers,
parents, and students all expressed great joy at the computer support initiative.

Kelly Samynadin, Member of the National Assembly

“I sincerely thank WeLoveU Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah for generously donating computers to Au Cap Primary School. We look forward to continued cooperation in the future. Au Cap loves you.”

Kelly Samynadin, Member of the National Assembly

Bernard Arnephy, Director General of Institutional Support Services Division of the Ministry of Education in Seychelles

“We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the generous donation from the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation. This support will significantly enhance the learning efficiency of our students. Rest assured, the donated items will be put to good use.”

Bernard Arnephy, Director General of Institutional Support Services Division of the Ministry of Education in Seychelles

Kathleen Samson, Principal of Au Cap Primary School

“It seems WeLoveU Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah had Seychellois children in her mind when making this donation. This gift will bring about significant changes in students’ lives and greatly contribute to their learning. We are truly grateful. We send love to WeLoveU from the Seychelles.”

Kathleen Samson, Principal of Au Cap Primary School

Chloe Mambe, Student Representative

“We sincerely thank WeLoveU for choosing Au Cap Primary School. We promise to make good use of the computers. We will strive to find useful information and achieve better learning outcomes.”

Chloe Mambe, Student Representative

WeLoveU hopes for a brighter and more hopeful future
for the children of Seychelles.