In the outskirts of Manta, Manabi Province, Ecuador lies a small village called
La Revancha, home to Cinco De Junio School, where children aged 3 to 11 attend.

A total of around 530 students, being divided into 9 classes, attend classes
in the morning and afternoon sessions. However, the school faced a shortage of
essential equipment like fans and bookshelves due to lack of government support.
Children had to carry heavy books to class and study in hot classrooms, sweating profusely.

After discussions with the principal of Cinco De Junio School,
WeLoveU decided to provide fans and bookshelves to the school.

On February 8, a donation ceremony was held at the school.
At the ceremony attended by education officials, teachers, and students,
WeLoveU members themselves installed 19 large ceiling fans
and 18 bookshelves in the classrooms.

Officials from the Ministry of Education and the school expressed their gratitude
by presenting WeLoveU with a plaque of gratitude for their educational support.

Edgar Rivadeneira González, District Director of Education of Manta, Montecristi and Jaramijó (13D02)

“Thank you to Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah of the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation for supporting Cinco De Junio School. We are aware of the excellent work that WeLoveU carries out worldwide, providing assistance to many cities and countries and offering significant educational support. We’re very grateful for your dedicated efforts in such valuable endeavors. I wish you good welfare outcomes.”

Edgar Rivadeneira González, District Director of Education of Manta, Montecristi and Jaramijó (13D02)

Silvia Choez, Principal of Cinco De Junio School

“On behalf of the 500 students at our school, I extend our heartfelt gratitude. This area is distant from urban centers, and many families struggle financially, often unable to provide the necessary support for education. That’s why the assistance you provided today is even more precious. Thank you. We love you!”

Silvia Choez, Principal of Cinco De Junio School

Ailén Jiménez, Teacher

“I am a kindergarten teacher. Thank you so much for the gifts you’ve provided to our school. It has made it possible for the children to be in a much more stable environment. This region can get really hot, and thanks to the fans you donated, I believe the children will be able to study comfortably. Thank you once again for the very appropriate support for the children.”

Ailén Jiménez, Teacher

WeLoveU will continue its efforts to improve the academic environment
and support the dreams of children.