The Intl. WeLoveU Foundation provided face masks to the El Salvador Ministry of Health
for medical staff at national hospitals who are on the front lines of responding to COVID-19.
National hospitals have many visitors because their medical expenses are lower than those of general hospitals. However, it is said numerous patients are seen wearing masks with insufficient antiviral protection during their visits, and hospitals are experiencing a shortage of appropriate pandemic masks. This places medical staff at a heightened risk of exposure to infections.

As the number of confirmed cases among medical staff increased, WeLoveU has decided to provide masks to ensure they can work in a safer environment. On April 20, a delivery ceremony was held at the Hospital Nacional Maria Isabel Rodriguez, where 17,000 masks were donated to the Ministry of Health. The masks will be delivered to about 800 medical staff in San Salvador, including the Hospital Nacional Maria Isabel Rodriguez.
Until the Masks Were Delivered to the Medical Staff
Interview With the President of the Hospital Nacional Maria Isabel Rodriguez

Dr. René Mauricio, President of Hospital Nacional Maria Isabel Rodriguez
“Many women in San Salvador come to our hospital. There are many suspected COVID-19 patients, but we have no choice but to wear masks always because we cannot know who is confirmed. Masks are essential items for the health of both medical staff and patients.”
Dr. René Mauricio, President of Hospital Nacional Maria Isabel Rodriguez
Preparing and Packaging Face Masks

Josué Alejandro, WeLoveU Member
“I’m really happy to join in donating masks for medical staff. We hope these masks will help protect medical staff, patients, and everyone else from the coronavirus.”
Josué Alejandro, WeLoveU Member
Mask Delivery Ceremony at the Ministry of Health of El Salvador

Choi Ki-cheol, WeLoveU El Salvador Chapter Manager
“After hearing the news that many medical staff at the Hospital are at risk of exposure to COVID-19 while closely caring for patients, we decided to donate masks for the safety and health of the medical staff. WeLoveU supports the safe medical activities of the medical staff throughout El Salvador.”
Choi Ki-cheol, WeLoveU El Salvador Chapter Manager

Dra. Ingrid Lizama, Vice-President of Hospital Nacional Maria Isabel Rodriguez
“I would like to express my gratitude to Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah of the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation for donating masks, which are very important to us. Wearing a mask is very important to prevent the COVID-19 virus. Thank you again.”
Dra. Ingrid Lizama, Vice-President of Hospital Nacional Maria Isabel Rodriguez
For the safety and health of our global neighbors,
WeLoveU will make every effort to support COVID-19 prevention and control.
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