Myanmarese Public Officials Exposed to the Contagious Disease Due to shortage of COVID-19 Safety Supplies
As the pandemic has prolonged, the distress of healthcare workers has intensified in each country. Although every effort is made to prevent COVID-19, many places suffer from lack of COVID-19 safety supplies. No additional support for them will put the brakes on the COVID-19 prevention.
Since the middle of August, the number of confirmed cases in Myanmar, whose path of infection can be tracked, has increased drastically. Therefore, the Ministry of Health and Sports issued an administrative order on September 1, stating, “Citizens are only allowed to be outside for commuting purposes; only vehicles with permits can run; and only two people per household can be accompanied when visiting the hospital.” They implemented the “Stay at Home” measure for the residents of seven regions in the city of Yangon. However, despite strong measures, the number of confirmed cases did not decrease. Moreover, even public officials were exposed to the virus due to the shortage of COVID-19 safety supplies.
The members of Intl. WeLoveU Foundation in Yangon, Myanmar, discussed how to give meaningful help to public officials who were struggling for people’s health. Then, they agreed to donate face masks to the Public Health Department at Yangon City Development Committee [YCDC].
30,000 face masks donated to the Public Health Department at Yangon City Development Committee, Myanmar.

In the morning of December 17, the members loaded the car with 30,000 masks and made a small heart with their thumb and index finger and a large heart with their hands and shouted “WeLoveU!” It was an expression of the members’ heart, ‘Let’s take care of our neighbors with a mother’s love.’ After that, they headed to the head office of the Public Health Department of YCDC.
As the members arrived at the Public Health Department around 11 a.m., officials welcomed them and helped them unload the donated goods. The members met with the Head of Public Health Department (in charge of northern region of Yangon) and talked about the WeLoveU activities, and then they attended the delivery ceremony. The Head of Public Health Department and the health officials in charge of the northern, southern, eastern, and western regions of Yangon attended the ceremony, wearing both face masks and face shields.

In her opening remark, Than Than Lwin, the Head of Pubic Health Department, said, “For the safety of Yangon citizens, we distributed tens of thousands of copies of coronavirus-related notices and conducted a campaign to use face shields. We also participated in distributing pamphlets conducted by the Ministry of Health and Sports.” Likewise, she explained the prevention activities of the Ministry of Health and Sports. She also said, “I will make sure to send these face masks to the places where they are needed for COVID-19 prevention.”
Gwak Geum-dong, Manager of the WeLoveU Yangon Chapter, said, “We were worried about the YCDC’s Public Health Department members because you are working hard for the citizens despite taking a risk of being exposed to infectious diseases, which makes it harder for you to work. I hope all the staff will work safely.” The WeLoveU members who attended the ceremony also hoped that the masks would help the public officials and said, “We cheer on the public officials who are doing your best to provide citizens safer environments, without considering your own safety.”

On that day, the YCDC’s Public Health Department delivered a certificate of appreciation to the WeLoveU, expressing gratitude for the donation of masks.
The pandemic threatens the lives of people around the world. Without those who sacrifice themselves, people will suffer even more. The safety of public officials who deal with COVID-19 prevention is very important since they put the citizen’s safety before their own health. The WeLoveU will appreciate the hard work of public officials who selflessly work at the front line, and will continue to support them for their safety.
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