A precious gift that quenches long-standing thirst
Benin’s water supply system is not in good condition. It’s extremely hard to get drinking water outside the city.

The situation was not different for Dodji-Sehe Middle School in Allada, an hour away from Cotonou. As there was no water supply facility, around 130 students had to go to a different village, several kilometers away from the school, to draw water themselves. In return for water, they had to pay 200 CFA francs. It’s twice as expensive as a meal. Students couldn’t drink water quite often as water cost too much.

In September, 2017, the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation’s Benin Chapter had a meeting with the Minister of Decentralization of Benin and decided to install a water pump at Dodji-Sehe Middle School. With the water pump, not only the students but also about 300 residents in the area who had been using rainwater as drinking water would be able to use water freely.

The excavation work began at the edge of the school’s playground on October 3. It lasted for a month. The pump was installed on the 17th, and the solar energy electrical power generation equipment was prepared on the 30th. With flooring on November 13, the water pump was installed successfully.

On the day the installation was finished, there was a completion ceremony at the school playground. Edmond Zinsou, the member of National Assembly and first deputy charge of interim of Allada, Marcelan Dansson Kpevi, the director of the minister of decentralization’s aide department, principal, teachers, students, the Foundation members, and residents—in total about 150 people attended the ceremony to celebrate its completion.

“We need much help in our communities. We’d like to meet the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation again,” said Member of National Assembly Zinsou. He expressed his thanks for the Foundation’s hard work and presented the certificate of appreciation in the name of Mayor of Allada. When the Foundation members said, “Anybody can use the water pump for free!” the residents shouted for joy. They showed their gratitude, presenting pineapples to the members.
To those who had hard time in getting water, the water pump was a precious gift incomparable with anything. The members hoped that the students and residents would have the living water quenching their thirst and hope which always gushes out like spring water as well.
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