Pursat Province
Bakan District Office of Administration, Youth, Sports, and Education
Romlech Primary School
Document No.: 007/25 R/L
Kingdom of Cambodia
Nation, Religion, King

Certificate of Appreciation

The principal, village representative, all teachers, and students of Romlech Primary School extend their deepest gratitude to Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah of the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation for her generous support in donating 878,000 riels for the repair of toilets and handwashing facilities for the students.
We sincerely wish Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah and the organization abundant blessings of longevity, honor, happiness, and health always.

Romlech Village Representative
Naeng Seng
Romlech, January 22, 2025
Hort Bunly

Lang CambodiaDateJanuary 22, 2025NamePrincipal, Romlech Primary School / Hort Bunly