Abancay City in Peru
In celebration of the 200th year of the independence of Peru:

Mayor’s Resolution No. 574-2021-MPA-A

September 27, 2021, Abancay City


Application No. 001-3301-WELOVEU-03092021


In accordance with Amendment No. 2 of article 194 of the Law of Administrative Organization No. 27972, stipulated by the National Political Constitution of Peru, municipalities shall have political, economic and administrative autonomy. According to the legal system, the local municipalities have the power to exercise governmental and administrative authority.

In recognition of the organization and individual’s efforts to contribute to the development of our village by conducting volunteer services, Abancay City presents this certificate to them as specified in the regulation No. 019-2016-CM-MPA.

The prominent Intl. WeLoveU Foundation is a non-governmental organization, established in South Korea, and Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah encourages the members to care for and protect the environment; through mothers’ love, she has been developing commendable international social work for the good of humanity, for which her extensive career and great social sensitivity in the well-being of the environment is commendable.

The Intl. WeLoveU Foundation endeavors to combat climate change in support of the United Nations Organization, central, regional, provincial, and district governments around the world. On September 12, 58 members of the WeLoveU Foundation gathered to carry out the Clean WORLD Movement that took place at the Rio Aymas River, bridge and adjacent streets of the district, province of Abancay and region of Apurímac.

We make the following resolution in accordance Article 20 Numeral 6, 17 of Law No. 27972, Organic Law of Municipalities and related rules;


Article 1 – We express our gratitude to and congratulate Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah, and the members of the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation for helping the citizens of Abancay City raise their environmental awareness through noble social work.

Article 2 – Notify the interested parties of this resolution for the pertinent purposes.

Article 3 – Notify this to the administrative systems of the Provincial Municipality of Abancay City.

Sign up, communicate and comply

Abancay Provincial MunicipalityGuido Chahuaylla Maldonado

Lang PeruDateSeptember 27, 2021NameGuido Chahuaylla Maldonado / Mayor of the Provincial Municipality of Abancay