WHEREAS, The Atlanata City Council wishes to recognize the American Red Cross of Georgia, the WeLoveU Foundation, and the Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia, for playing a vital role in our community. By standing as a bastion of hope for victims of sickle cell and other abnormal hemoglobin. Their unique partnership aims to help strengthen awareness and increase blood availability for patients with sickle cell disease through blood drives, workshops, campaigns, and celebration events held across Atlanta; and
WHEREAS, Over 100,000 people in the United States have sickle cell disease, 10% of who live in Georgia. Sickle cell is the most common inherited blood disorder, and
the majority of patients are of African descent. Despite the discovery of the disease more than a century ago, there have been fewer health resources available to help those currently suffering from the sickle cell crisis in comparison to similar diseases; and
WHEREAS, A closer blood match leads to better outcomes for the many patients with sickle cell disease who require regular blood transfusions to help manage their disease. Many individuals who are black and brown have distinct markers on their red blood cells that make their donations ideal for helping patients with sickle cell disease. More than half of blood donors who are minorities have blood that is free of C, E, and K antigens-making them the best match for those with sickle cell disease; and
WHEREAS, Community partners leading support with national and local organizations within the Black community are critical to building trust, sharing information and working together to engage new donors the help save lives. Locally, the Red Cross has partnered with preeminent organizations to raise awareness about sickle cell disease as a persisting and heartbreaking health disparity, and to help patients with sickle cell disease by encouraging blood donations from individuals who represent black and brown communities; and
WHEREAS, The American Red Cross of Georgia, the WeLoveU Foundation, and the Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia are committed to delivering breakthroughs, eliminating health disparities facing communities of color and other underserved communities, and promoting the health and wellness of all citizens. We salute their continued efforts to improve the lives and livelihoods of individuals struggling with sickle cell disease, and we recognize this month as we work collectively to improve access to quality health care, collaborating with our partners in the public and private sectors, adhering to the guidance of scientific experts and researchers, and supporting all families affected by sickle cell disease.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT WE, the members of the Atlanta City Council, on behalf of the citizens of Atlanta, do hereby recognize September 2021 as Sickle Cell Awareness Month, and we stand together to improve the health of those living with this disease.
Felicia A. MoorePresident, Atlanta City Council
Lang U.S. DateSeptember 26, 2021NamePresident, Atlanta City Council / Felicia A. Moore