Mayor’s Resolution No. 387-2021-MDB/AL
Bellavista on September 7, 2021
Mayor of Bellavista
The Article 194 of the Political Constitution of Peru, modified by Law No. 30305, states that municipalities have political, economic, and administrative autonomy in matters within their jurisdiction; it is consistent with article II of the Preliminary Title of Law No. 27972—Organic Law of Municipalities. The constitution authorizes the municipalities to have governmental and administrative power according to the legal system.
The article 6 of the organic law of municipalities–Law No. 27972 establishes that the mayor is the legal representative of the municipality and its highest administrative authority; likewise, article 20, subsection 6 of the aforementioned law states that it is the responsibility of the mayor, among other functions, to issue mayoral decrees and resolutions subject to laws and ordinances.
It is the policy of the Bellavista District municipality to recognize, value and encourage citizens and corporate bodies who contribute to the development of our district, as well as to value their participation and dedication in the articulated work in health aspects, seeking sustainable well-being of the world.
The International WeLoveU Foundation is a worldwide social aid organization that works to increase the well-being of humanity, without discrimination based on nationality, race, social class or creed. This international institution has been carrying out various global charity activities, in favor of the population with limited economic resources, helping to improve people’s lives, seeking to preserve the good health of the population and environmental protection, which are the fundamental factors for the development of humanity;
The aforementioned Foundation has been developing a series of cleaning activities in our jurisdiction with the objective and purpose of improving the quality of life of our population, promoting communication and harmony among the members of the community in order to achieve a life peaceful and harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature.
According to the exposed considerations and in accordance with Numeral 6 of Article 20 of Law N° 27972–Organic Law of Municipalities; I, the Mayor, resolves as follows:
Article One: To express the recognition and congratulations to the International WeLoveU Foundation, duly represented by Wang Hyun Kim (Representative of the Chapter of Peru), in merit of its contribution to the improvement of the health and well-being of humanity, as well as to environmental protection.
Article Two: Instruct the General Secretary to notify the International WeLoveU Foundation of this resolution.
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Bellavista District MunicipalityJulio Antonio Moreno CruzSecretary General
Bellavista District MunicipalityDaniel Juan Malpartida FilioMayor
Lang PeruDateSeptember 7, 2021NameDaniel Malpartida Filio / Mayor of Bellavista District Municipality