Newark Board of Education
International WeLoveU Foundation
September 24, 2020
WHEREAS, the International WeLoveU Foundation aims to make the world a better place, uniting communities and supporting the Newark Board of Education during the global pandemic; and
WHEREAS, the International WeLoveU Foundation has delivered on its promise of promoting unity and friendship among all people of the global village, beyond nationality, race, religion and socioeconomic status through impactful volunteerism carried out with the heart of a mother; and
WHEREAS, the International WeLoveU Foundation has generously donated 100 Chromebooks to assist in “Closing the Homework Gap: Bridging the Digital Divide for Students and Families”;
THE NEWARK BOARD OF EDUCATION PROCLAIMS, and recognizes the International WeLoveU Foundation, and do hereby applaud their generosity and continues support of families and students who attend the Newark Public Schools.
Loger LeonSuperintendent
Josephine C. GarciaPresident
Dawn HaynesVice President
Shayvonne AndersonBoard Member
Hasani K. CouncilBoard Member
Yambeli GomezBoard Member
Flohisha JohnsonBoard Member
A’Dorian Murray-ThomasnBoard Member
Asia J. NortonBoard Member
Tave PadillaBoard Member
Lang U.S.Date2020-09-24NameRoger Leon, Superintendent of the Newark Board of Education
Josephine C. Garcia, President of the Newark Board of Education