Today more than 70 volunteers from the International WeLoveU Foundation teamed up with Bridgeport’s Parks and Receation Department to clean Seaside Park located at 1 Barnum Dyke in Bridgeport. Volunteers  from various parts of the state gathered to collect trash throughout the park and beach, finding hidden trash along the rocky shoreline including three disposed tires, fencing plywood, bottles, and food wrappers. This volunteer service activity  is part of WeLoveU’s Clean WORLD Movement, a worldwide effort to raise awareness of the importance of environmental protection in the face of climate change.

“WeLoveU’s Chairwoman Zahng Gil-Jah has led people around the world to become active volunteers to take action and do whatever we can to protect our environment, as we continually see the effects of climate change become more serious,” said Rebecca Parker, spokewoman of the International WeLoveU Foundation on the East Coast. “By educating ans encouraging a community of volunteers, we believe the efforts put into our environment today will benefit those who will come in the future.”

Bridgeport’s Parks Manage Luis Borgas expressed his appreciation to the volunteers for their effort to clean and beautify the park. “Thanks to everyone from the WeLoveU Foundation for participating in such a great cause. The world and It’s environment is a better place because of individuals like yourselves! On behalf of the Parks Department of the City of Bridgeport, we definitely appreciate all the hard work and the dedication you guys put not only in this park but throughout the nation,” said Borgas. “Based on what I’ve seen today, I’m so mesmerized by the amount of people that are here volunteering their time. Sometimes words cannot be enough to express what you guys are doing. I can’t even put it into words! It’s pretty amazing.”

Mayor Ganim kicked off the event by thanking the volunteers, calling them heroes for protecting the environment. “I’d like to thank everyone who is here for the clean WORLD movement from WeLoveU. All of you have come here to clean up Seaside Park, this beautiful, natural asset that serves so many fathers and families, especially today. Thank you for your commitment to the environment and our beautiful mother earth and for making our world a better place,” said the Bridgeport mayor.

Senator Richard Blumenthal attended the event and presented the volunteers with a Certificate of Special Recognition. “Cleaning this beach is really great work. It’s so important to make sure that the next generation can benefit from this wonderful natural resource. That’s why I’m presenting you a Certificate of Special Recognition from the Senate of the United States and thank you for the great work that you did today and making this beach clean.”
