Zahng Gil-jah, the Chairwoman of the International We Love You Foundation
In behalf of Benguet Red Cross, we wish to express our warmest gratitude for a successful Mass Blood Letting Activity last July 18, 2012.
As a result we are pleased to inform that a total of 12 units of blood were collected equivalent to 5,400cc,composed of different blood types. We commend you (We Love You Foundation) for spearheading such endeavor; geared towards our commitment on 100% Voluntary Blood Donaton. As an auxiliary to the government we hold with our mission to make available supply of quality and safe blood, and with partnership and collaboration with other stakeholders like you leads to the realization of this mission.
Again we thank yo for the humanitarian act, in behalf of the recipients of the blood that you’ve shared. We hope that with the success of this undertaking will motivate other stakeholders. We look forward in the next round for same reason.
May your organization increase, more power!
Oscar G. Paris Chapter Administrator
Lang PhilippinesDate2012-08-08NamePHILIPPINE RED CROSS Benguet Chapter