December 17, 2019, in Arequipa
Decided at the Regular Meeting of the Regional Assembly in Arequipa
Jose Luis Hancco Mamani, the regional assemblyman, once presented this Acknowledgement Agreement to the General Assembly of the regional council.
On November 17, 1985, the UN General Assembly searched various ways to draw much interest from people in the importance of voluntarily contributing to the society by inviting many countries and designating December 5 as International Volunteer Day; furthermore, the UN encouraged governments in each country to participate in volunteer services so that more people from all walks of life will come to join the services overseas as well as in their home country. It is appropriate to pay respect to all those who dedicate their time to serving others in order to bring about positive changes for the wellbeing of others and countries.
As regional council motion no. 082-2019-GRA/CR-AREQUIPA was unanimously agreed at the regular meeting of regional council, held on December 3, 2019, the policy implementaion for volunteers by age group and fields of contribution were declared in the region of Arequipa, and the first reporting about volunteers in Peru was made. Accordingly, Arequipa legalized celebrating December 5 as International Volunteer Day.
The Intl. WeLoveU Foundation aims to make this world a better place where everyone is respected in sustainable peace. The organization began volunteer services from 2007, and in Arequipa it has been helping out underprivileged neighbors such as children, women, senior citizens, disabled people, disaster victims, refugees, and poor people since 2012.
The organization has conducted the following volunteer services: Cleanup at the streets of housing complex in Marino Bustamante, Miraflores District (May 22, 2017); Cleanup at the streets of Charcani, Cayma District (Oct. 29, 2017); Cleanup at the streets of Tarapaca and Goyeneche, Miraflores District (June 13, 2018); Blood donation at Honorio Delgado Hospital, Arequipa (Nov. 21, 2018); Cleanup at the streets of Aviacion, Cerro Colorado District (Jan. 20, 2019); Cleanup at the streets of Housing Welfare Association in Social Welfare Housing area of Milagro, Yura District (Feb. 24, 2019); Cleanup at the streets of housing complex in ciudad mi Trabajo, Socobaya District (Feb. 26, 2019); Blood donation at Honorio Delgado Hospital (July 31, 2019).
Through this motion, the regional council unanimously approved of congratulating the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation which contributed to improving the wellbeing of Arequipa, after reviewing and discussing the issues mentioned.
1. We recognize the contribution made by the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation which has been constantly carrying out volunteer services in Arequipa, and praise them.
2. We send this approval document for recognizing the organization’s contribution, and would like to sincerely congratulate them.
Register and Comply
Regional Government of ArequipaRonal V. Bernal HuarcaPresident of the Rocal Council
Lang PeruDatedec 17, 2019NameRonal V. Bernal Huarca / Chairman of the Regional Council in Arequipa