2019년 2월 18일, 국제위러브유 장길자 회장과 각국 주한 대사가 그랜드 인터컨티넨탈 서울 파르나스에서 열린 2019 국제위러브유 간담회에 참석

Intl. WeLoveU Foundation Dinner Conference 2019

Establishing Global Partnerships for the…

The Intl. WeLoveU Foundation has been acknowledged as an NGO associated with the UN DGC

The prestige of the global organization embracing the earth and mankind, has…

Save the World Global Forum 2018

Discussions on emergency relief and global partnerships Signed an MOU with the…

Participates in the 67th UN DPI/NGO Conference

Together Finding Global Solutions for Global…

Meeting for Global Welfare for the Implementation of UN SDGs

‘International Cooperation & UN SDGs’ opened a new dawn for global welfare…

Signing an MOU with IUCN Nepal

On May 17, 2015, the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation…

Green Campus Environmental Seminar with Gabonese President

Intl. WeLoveU Foundation and Gabonese government agreed on cooperation against…