Clean WORLD Movement 2023

An environmental commando team has emerged to save Earth, which is in crisis…

Appointment Ceremony of WeLoveU University Student Environmental Leaders 2023

Green Future of Earth Created by Young AdultsThe Intl. WeLoveU Foundation…

Beautiful Natural Environment to Enjoy Together

Low hills and wide grasslands. This picturesque scenery is of Ambury Regional…

Making the World Greener

The warm spring sunlight of April opened a green world. New shoots sprout from…

Mom’s Garden & Clean WORLD Movement in Hualmay, Lima, Peru

On February 23, members of WeLoveU conducted environmental cleanup activities…

Climbing the Stairs Brings a Pleasant Change

Heat waves, cold waves, heavy rains, droughts . . . Climate disasters caused by…

Preserving World Heritage Sites Through Urban Environment Improvement Project

Valparaiso, Chile, has been registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site because…

Bring Out the Unused Tumblers and Mugs

As the amount of disposable waste has increased sharply due to COVID-19, Korea…

Clean Local Communities Through the Clean WORLD Movement

The U.S. members of the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation (hereinafter referred to as…

Support for “Planting One Billion Trees” to Prevent Desertification in Mongolia

Due to the climate change, the average temperature of Mongolia increased by 2…