Spreading Hope Through Sharing

On September 5, WeLoveU members in Bangkok, Thailand,
donated groceries to the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
(MSDHS) and the Bangkok Food Bank to help the flood victims
and the vulnerable groups in Phra Khanong in Bangkok.

Providing Food Aid to Flood Victims

📌Ministry of Social Development and Human Security

The floods that occurred in mid-August caused great damage
to the northern, northeastern, and southern regions of Thailand.
Houses and shopping malls were flooded, and a lot of people were injured
due to landslides. Hearing about the dire need for food and daily necessities,
WeLoveU quickly delivered groceries for the flood victims
to the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS).

250 Bags of Rice (5 Kg Each), 100 Boxes of Instant Noodles
(30 Packs per Box), 300 Bottles of Cooking Oil (1 L Each)

Narumol Pongsupharp, Assistant Permanent of MSDHS

“I sincerely thank WeLoveU for supporting a culture of sharing, enhancing the quality of life, and alleviating the suffering of our people. The donated supplies will be distributed to flood victims, providing them with practical assistance. Thank you once again.”

Narumol Pongsupharp, Assistant Permanent of MSDHS

Providing Food Aid to Vulnerable Groups

📌Bangkok Food Bank at Phra Khanong District Office

Bangkok Food Bank is a social welfare program operated
by Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. To help alleviate hunger
among vulnerable groups such as the elderly living alone
and households with disabilities, WeLoveU donated food supplies
to the Bangkok Food Bank located at the Phra Khanong District Office.

50 Bags of Rice (5 Kg Each), 168 Bottles of Cooking Oil (1 L Each),
250 Bags of Sugar (1 Kg Each)

Tawatchai Janse, Deputy Chief of Phra Khanong District Office

“I would like to thank Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah for providing food items such as sugar, rice, and cooking oil. This support greatly benefits the vulnerable residents of Phra Khanong, especially bedridden patients and those facing financial difficulties I deeply appreciate WeLoveU for your continued support.”

Tawatchai Janse, Deputy Chief of Phra Khanong District Office

WeLoveU remains dedicated to ensuring that the flowers of hope bloom
in the lives of those in need, sharing a mother’s love
with neighbors affected by disasters and hardships.

Emergency Relief for Grenada Hurricane Victims

Roofs were torn off, and street trees were uprooted.
This area, turned into awasteland by the hurricane,
is Carriacou Island in the Caribbean nation of Grenada.

On July 2, Hurricane Beryl struck the Caribbean region
with a maximum intensity of Category 5. Neighboring countries experienced
significant damage, including the collapse of schools and hospitals
and power outages that disrupted communications.
Tragically, there were also casualties from floods and landslides.

Carriacou and Petite Martinique in Grenada, where the hurricane made landfall
on the 1st day, suffered tremendous damage, with most buildings collapsing.
Governor-General of Grenada Dickon Mitchell called it “unimaginable destruction.”

WeLoveU stepped in to help Grenada, which has suffered significant damage.
At the 4th SIDS International Conference, WeLoveU met with Governor-General
Dickon Mitchell to affirm its commitment to supporting island nations
vulnerable to climate disasters.

Members from the United States and Caribbean countries initiated activities
to aid hurricane victims in Grenada. Over 100 members provided more than
5,100 relief items, including sleeping bags, masks, batteries, and lamps,
at the disaster site and engaged in disaster recovery efforts. In New Windsor,
New York, they held a charity concert, “Harmony for the Earth
to raise awareness of climate change and encourage action.
The concert was broadcast live on YouTube.

WeLoveU Emergency Relief—Hope to Grenada

- Disaster Recovery Activities, Relief Supplies Support -

July 19–August 2

- Charity Concert “Harmony for the Earth” -

July 28

Cecile La Grenade, Governor-General of Grenada

“On July 1, Hurricane Beryl devastated northern Grenada, particularly Carriacou and Petite Martinique. I visited the islands and was deeply shocked by the enormous damage. I extend my deepest gratitude to Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah of WeLoveU for her generous support to Grenada. WeLoveU helped with the recovery by clearing the debris of Dover Government School, which had collapsed after initially being used as a shelter during the hurricane. We currently need drinking water, restroom facilities, a temporary kitchen, and a sheltered area for the children. Volunteers and additional support are urgently needed for this. Thank you.”

Cecile La Grenade, Governor-General of Grenada

WeLoveU members sincerely hoped for the swift recovery of Grenada,
the beautiful island nation in the Caribbean.

“We cleared the debris of the school that had collapsed due to strong winds and helped the city rebuild. At times, I doubted whether this place could fully return to its original state, but the people of Grenada are resilient and positive, and I believe they will surely rise again.”

“I flew from the United States to Grenada and then took a boat to Carriacou. Other than knowing it was hot and there were bugs, I knew nothing about this place. While camping with the members, we had to figure out many things on our own, like how to live without water and electricity. On the first night, there was thunder, lightning, and rain, which blew off the top of our tent, leaving us soaked. However, for the residents here, such events are likely just part of daily life. I hope that our neighbors, who are going through difficult times, won’t give up.”

“When I came to help the disaster victims on Carriacou Island, many people were homeless. This type of disaster is truly unprecedented. I hope people will become more concerned about climate change issues now. I am glad that I can provide some assistance to our neighbors through relief efforts.”

“I came to the island first as part of the advance team to accurately assess the situation in Carriacou. After identifying what items were needed and which activities were urgent, I supported the volunteer team. I hope the WeLoveU volunteer team has been a great help in the recovery efforts here.”

WeLoveU will continue to offer support and activities
to help disaster victims affected by climate disasters with a mother’s love
and to address the rapidly changing climate.

Please send your care and love to the hurricane victims in Grenada.
Our attention and love support the lives of our neighbors
during this disaster.

‘We Are Eternal Friends’

On September 11, a sudden flood struck the northeastern region of the United States,
resulting in significant damage across several states.
In Leominster, Massachusetts, streets and homes were inundated, and sinkholes emerged,
leading to the closure of numerous roads. Nearby residents were also instructed
to evacuate due to concerns about potential dam collapses.

On the 13th, as the rain persisted, members of WeLoveU in Boston arrived early
at the Leominster Emergency Management Facility to assist with flood preparedness.
To aid the emergency response efforts and brace for any further flooding,
the members diligently filled sandbags for flood prevention
and distributed them to local residents.

They delivered sandbags to homes at risk of flooding and to the local nursing home,
Leominster Rehabilitation and Nursing Center.
At the Leominster Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, they strategically placed sandbags in front of the building and at the basement entrance as a precautionary measure.

“I’ve been involved in volunteering in this city for the past few years. So, it’s hard to believe what’s happened here right now. I am grateful to be able to help local residents, even in a small way.”

Ricky Rosario, WeLoveU member

“We needed to deliver sandbags to the nursing home, and just then we received the wonderful news that volunteers were on their way. It’s truly heartwarming to reunite with WeLoveU members after such a long time due to COVID-19. We are eternal friends. Thank you very much.”

Dean Mazzarella, Mayor of Leominster

Mayor Dean Mazzarella welcomed the members, expressing gratitude to WeLoveU
for providing much-needed assistance during these challenging times.

WeLoveU will remain committed to being “eternal friends” to our neighbors
and cooperating to address the difficulties facing the local community.

“You Came at the Most Crucial Time”

Penco City Councilors in the Biobio Region of Chile,
and officials from the Welfare Department of Concepcion City visited the WeLoveU
Concepcion Chapter to discuss the ways to help the neighbors in Penco,
who were affected by a major fire earlier this year.

In February of this year, consecutive heatwaves and droughts led to wildfires
in central and southern Chile. According to the National Forestry Corporation
of Chile [CONAF], an area equivalent to 8.5 times the size of Seoul was engulfed
in flames, resulting in dozens of fatalities and approximately 7,000 displaced residents.

However, with time passing, the scars left by the wildfires have faded
from people’s memories. While the recovery of daily life is still a long way off,
prices have soared, making the hardships of the victims even greater.

The last lecture was the global citizenship education by YI Bae-Keun, the
WeLoveU prepared grocery sets for the displaced residents who might
feel lonely with the approaching major holiday, Independence Day.

Large boxes were filled with essential groceries such as various types of pasta,
sauces, rice, flour, canned goods, beans, sugar, cooking oil, coffee, tea, and more.
Then, on September 13, amidst the presence of Mayor of Concepción,
Penco City Councilor, President of Penco Neighborhood Council,
WeLoveU delivered grocery boxes to 60 households affected by the disaster, at the Penco Civic Center.

The disaster victims expressed their gratitude with tears welling up in their eyes.
Penco City Councilor and President of Penco Neighborhood Council
each presented a certificate of appreciation to WeLoveU.

Alvaro Ortiz Vera, Mayor of Concepcion

“I am the Mayor of Concepción and also the President of the Association of Municipalities of the Entire BioBío Region. February was truly a tragic month for our Biobío Region. Fierce wildfires caused damage to livestock and farmland in various areas,I ncluding Penco. As the holiday season approaches, I express my gratitude for your support to the wildfire victims. Thanks to WeLoveU, the victims’ concerns about food have been eased off. WeLoveU has given beautiful gifts to the victims during the holiday season.”

Alvaro Ortiz Vera, Mayor of Concepcion

Maria Carolina Inostroza Verdugo, Penco City Councilor

“In Penco, 43 households were completely destroyed by the wildfires. Even the homes that were barely rebuilt have suffered further damage from recent heavy rains. Your support with groceries during this critical time is especially appreciated. I also express gratitude for the work Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah is carrying out throughout the world. We Love You.”

Maria Carolina Inostroza Verdugo, Penco City Councilor

Rumualdo Sáez Carrillo, President of Penco Neighborhood Council

“This is a vast rural area, where many neighbors have lost their livelihoods due to the wildfires. We have been spending days like an unpredictable disaster. At a time when the tragedies in our region were slowly being forgotten, you came at the most crucial moment. During the holiday season when we feared we would go hungry, thanks to you, we were able to spend enjoyable time with our families. We are truly, truly grateful.”

Rumualdo Sáez Carrillo, President of Penco Neighborhood Council

On that day, the WeLoveU members also personally visited the neighbors’ homes
to deliver the gift boxes, wishing for them to swiftly return to normal life.

Donation for Wildfire Victims

Donation of 100 Million KRW to the Hope Bridge Korea Disaster Relief Association

In April, due to the continued drought, large wildfires broke out across the country: Yeongju in North Gyeongsang Province, Suncheon and Hampyeong in South Jeolla Province, Daejeon, Okcheon in North Chungcheong Province, and Hongseong and Geumsan in South Chungcheong Province. Many victims who lost their homes in an instant are still suffering, living in temporary housing without being able to return to their daily lives even after the wildfire is extinguished.

On September 4, the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation delivered 100 million KRW to the Hope Bridge Korea Disaster Relief Association(hereinafter referred to as Hope Bridge) to help wildfire victims. The donation ceremony was held at the Hope Bridge Headquarters in Mapo-gu, Seoul, being attended by officials such as Hope Bridge Chairman Song Pil-ho and Secretary General Kim Jeong-hee. The Intl. WeLoveU Foundation Director Lee Seung-eon said, “I hope that Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah’s love and comfort will be conveyed to the hearts of the victims.” The members of Hope Bridge said, “The wide range of volunteer services of WeLoveU led by Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah is amazing. We will deliver the donations and the warmth of WeLoveU members to the victims.”

Through the 24th New Life Family Walkathon held on April 23, WeLoveU decided to help neighbors in need in 24 countries, including Korea wildfire victims and Turkiye earthquake victims. This donation on September 4 was made as part of that decision.

Due to “global tropicalization,” which goes beyond global warming, precipitation in spring and winter decreases and dry weather continues, leading to an increase in naturally occurring wildfires; and the number of cases of artificially generated wildfires spreading to a large scale is also increasing. According to the Korea Forest Service, the number of domestic wildfires in 2022 reached an all-time high of 756, and this year, wildfires are expected to become more frequent and exceed that record. In December 2019 and April 2022, WeLoveU delivered a message of encouragement by donating 100 million KRW worth of local gift certificates and 50 million KRW to the Gangwon Provincial Office for the wildfire victims in Gangwon Province, who suffered great damage from successive large-scale wildfires.